How to Use "acrobatics" with Example Sentences

1. She was eight years old , the same age I was when I began sports acrobatics .
2. These little guys are masters of acrobatics , well-known for jumping out of the water and spinning in the air as they swim .
3. Actually achieving the total life makeover , much promised around this time of year , would require impossible psychological acrobatics : somehow you 'd have to change everything about yourself while simultaneously being the self who is directing the changes .
4. We expect his european counterparts , led by an economically unsophisticated french president and german chancellor , and an italian prime minister specialising in legal acrobatics , to demand command-and-control global regulations .
5. The process of selecting and securing a partner , whether for conceiving and rearing children , or for enhancing one 's socioeconomic standing , or for attempting motel-room acrobatics , or merely for finding companionship in a cold and lonely universe , is as consequential as it can be inefficient or irresolute .