How to Use "lysozyme" with Example Sentences

1. Even with its elevated enzyme levels , two glasses of even the most enhanced transgenic milk still contains far less lysozyme than we swallow in our saliva every day .
2. Lactoferrin , lactoperoxidase , lysozyme casein glycomacropeptide , phosphopeptides , and fat globule membrane proteins .
3. They began with easy-to-acquire human genes that both make lysozyme and regulate its expression . They put those genes into cow cells , and they created embryos that contained those genes in their mammary glands .
4. Lysozyme , an important model protein , has found wide application in the investigation of protein crystallization mechanism and methods .
5. It was showed that the denaturation process of lysozyme induced with guanidine hydrochloride was consistent with typical " three-state model " .