How to Use "nutritive" with Example Sentences

1. The water in which rice is boiled should not be wasted , as it contains much nutritive material .
2. Don 't forget that there are other considerations when choosing which foods to eat , such as nutritive value and diversity of your food choices .
3. One theory is that many best-sellers simply weren 't very good or interesting books in the first place ; they were empty calories without nutritive value .
4. Article 28 the state shall encourage and support the processing and comprehensive development and utilization of grains , increase the added value of grains and improve the nutritive structure of people 's food .
5. " Large amounts of nutritive reserves must be recovered for winter storage so they can boost the array of activity which begins with new growth each spring , " robert guy and jodie krakowski of ubc 's department of forest sciences write in the journal , davidsonia .