How to Use "sobriquet" with Example Sentences

1. The political connections that earned goldman the sobriquet government sachs have been loosened by the crisis .
2. Emil jellinek , already known under the sobriquet ' monsieur mercedes ' - a name he had borrowed from his daughter
3. Then there is'londonistan ' , a pejorative sobriquet that has been used for several years to describe the apparent ease with which terror networks originating in the arab / islamic world operate in the british capital .
4. The nuclear reactor , used to generate electricity , heralded obninsk 's new role as a major soviet scientific city , a status it retains in the russian federation where it carries the sobriquet of first russian science city .
5. However , river has another sobriquet as well , one that has been far more apt in recent years as the club as tumbled down the standings : " the chickens " , referring to its lacklustre performances in high-pressure situations .