How to Use "unending" with Example Sentences

1. The root cause of the looming energy problem-and the key to easing environmental , economic and religious tensions while improving public health-is to address the unending , and unequal , growth of the human population .
2. Even the state-run xinhua news agency despaired this month over food safety , noting formaldehyde-sprayed cabbage - done to retain freshness - " sparked public anger and prolonged the seemingly unending discussion on what , if anything , is safe to eat . "
3. But while there may be unending pressure toward free , is there anything inherent in technology that suggests it can actually reach close to free ?
4. Rising nuclear demons in iran and north korea , a haemorrhaging wound in darfur , unending violence in the middle east , looming environmental disaster , escalating international terrorism , the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction , the spread of hiv / aids .