

How to pronounce Athens in British English: UK ['æθənz]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Athens in American English: US ['æθənz] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the capital and largest city of Greece; named after Athena (its patron goddess)
    a town in southeast Ohio
    a university town in northeast Georgia

Word Origin

city of ancient Attica, capital of modern Greece, from Greek Athenai (plural because the city had several distinct parts), traditionally derived from Athena, but probably assimilated from a lost name in a pre-Hellenic language.


1. Privatisation revenues were estimated by athens at 50 billion .
2. We were halfway from singapore to athens .
3. The decision triggered angry protests in athens .
4. This is the olympic legacy here in athens .
5. Hundreds attended the ceremony at an athens cemetery .

more: >How to Use "Athens" with Example Sentences