

How to pronounce Capitol in British English: UK ['kæpɪtl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Capitol in American English: US ['kæpɪtl] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the federal government of the United States
    the government building in Washington where the United States Senate and the House of Representatives meet

Word Origin

Capitol (n.)
"building where U.S. Congress meets," 1793 (in writings of Thomas Jefferson), from Latin Capitolium, temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus on the Capitoline Hill in ancient Rome. Used earlier of Virginia state houses (1699). Its use in American public architecture deliberately evokes Roman republican imagery. With reference to the Roman citadel, it is recorded in English from late 14c., via Old North French capitolie. Relationship of Capitoline to capital is likely but not certain.


1. Nikki araguz was at the capitol last week to lobby against the legislation .
2. In olympia , washington , the capitol 's all-inclusive free-speech zone became hopelessly overcrowded .
3. Our first headquarters was in an old paint store on seventh street near the capitol .
4. After leaders concluded they were short of the votes they needed to pass the bill , house republicans were summoned to a closed-door party meeting in the basement of the capitol with only five minutes of warning .
5. The politics of emancipation in the countryside and the towns of the south makes more comprehensible the politics of emancipation inside the capitol and the presidential mansion .

more: >How to Use "Capitol" with Example Sentences