

How to pronounce Christology in British English: UK [krisˈtɔlədʒi]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Christology in American English: US [krɪˈstɑlədʒi] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a religious doctrine or theory based on Jesus or Jesus' teachings
    the branch of theology concerned with the person and attributes and deeds of Christ

Word Origin

Christology (n.)
1670s, from Christ + connective -o- + -logy.


1. The most important topic for mediating theology was christology .
2. Hence , systematic theologies progress from the doctrine of the godhead , or theology proper , to christology , pneumatology , angelology , soteriology , and so on , treating each theme exhaustively .
3. Cobb emphasizes a logos christology .
4. The first confession of christology .
5. Christology was becoming inconceivable for some .

more: >How to Use "Christology" with Example Sentences