

How to pronounce Circe in British English: UK ['sə:si]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Circe in American English: US [ˈsɚsi] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    (Greek mythology) a sorceress who detained Odysseus on her island and turned his men into swine

Word Origin

Circe (n.)
enchantress of the isle of Aea who transformed into swine those who drank from her cup ("Odyssey"), late 14c., from Latin Circe, from Greek Kirke. Related: Circean.


1. Odysseus is with circe .
2. Circe metamorphosed men into swine .
3. The wife of odysseus and mother of telemachus . Penelope was made immortal by circe .
4. In the greed story , circe turned men into pigs by her enchantment .
5. In the greek legend , circe turned men into pigs .

more: >How to Use "Circe" with Example Sentences