

How to pronounce Eli in British English:word uk audio image

How to pronounce Eli in American English:word us audio image


masc. proper name, in Old Testament, the name of a high priest of Israel, teacher of Samuel, from Hebrew, literally "high."


1. These are the questions asked by a team of psychologists led by eli finkel of northwestern university , in illinois , in a paper released-probably not coincidentally-a few days before st valentine 's day .
2. Meanwhile , eli , scarcely paying attention to the commotion under the table and her sister 's stifled sighs , wolfed down a slice of blackberry pie and stared at the lamp on the ceiling .
3. For instance , america 's teaching unions have been fiercely opposed to many education innovations pushed by social entrepreneurs , including charter schools , and to the billionaire philanthrocapitalists who help finance them , such as bill gates and eli broad .

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