

How to pronounce Jove in British English: UK [dʒəʊv]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Jove in American English: US [dʒoʊv] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    (Roman mythology) supreme god of Romans; counterpart of Greek Zeus

Word Origin

Roman god of the bright sky, late 14c., from Latin Iovis, from PIE *dyeu- "to shine," with derivatives referring to the sky, heavens, a god (see diurnal, and compare Zeus). In classical Latin, the compound Iuppiter replaced Old Latin Iovis as the god's name.


1. Minerva from the head of jove
2. When by the mighty hand of jove .
3. And peyton jove fay ...... we all love you child .
4. By jove , man . Looks like we 've got ourselves a breather .
5. The thirst that from the soul doth rise doth ask a drink divine ; but might I of jove 's nectar sup , I would not change for thine .

more: >How to Use "Jove" with Example Sentences