How to pronounce PLO in British English: 英
How to pronounce PLO in American English: 美
- Noun:
- a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine; when formed in 1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah; in 1968 Arafat became chairman; received recognition by t
- initialism (acronym) of Palestinian Liberation Organization, by 1965.
- 1. We are different from the plo .
- 2. Asks a fuming member of the plo 's executive committee .
- 3. His family living in the us filed suit against the palestinian authority and the plo under the torture victim protection act .
- 4. Only after several costly wars did egypt and later the plo conclude that , since israel could not be vanquished , they had better cut a deal .
- 5. Soon he was able to take over the plo and step up the use of direct , violent attacks on israel , taking nasser 's place as the leader that arabs everywhere admired .
更多: >如何使用 "PLO" 造句