

How to pronounce Paris in British English: UK ['pærɪs]word uk audio image

How to pronounce Paris in American English: US [ˈpærɪs] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the capital and largest city of France; and international center of culture and commerce
    sometimes placed in subfamily Trilliaceae
    a town in northeast Texas

Word Origin

capital of France, from Gallo-Latin Lutetia Parisorum (in Late Latin also Parisii), name of a fortified town of the Gaulish tribe of the Parisii, who had a capital there; literally "Parisian swamps" (compare Old Irish loth "dirt," Welsh lludedic "muddy, slimy"). The tribal name is of unknown origin, but traditionally derived from a Celtic par "boat" (perhaps related to Greek baris; see barge (n.)), hence the ship on the city's coat of arms.


1. But paris is more beautiful than tokyo .
2. The paris lines are simple .
3. Then he took her to paris .
4. Need a car in paris ?
5. Paris fell to the germans yesterday .

more: >How to Use "Paris" with Example Sentences