

How to pronounce acquainted in British English: 英 [əˈkweɪntɪd]word uk audio image

How to pronounce acquainted in American English: 美 [əˈkwentɪd] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    having fair knowledge of


acquainted (adj.)
early 13c., "personally known;" past participle adjective from acquaint (v.). Of skills, situations, etc., from late 15c. I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain —- and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light. [Robert Frost, from "Acquainted with the Night"]



1. Eg. are you acquainted with the works of shakespeare ?
2. As someone who also adores watching films , I had slowly become acquainted with mike .
3. I suppose it was because he was acquainted with me , my husband , and a lot of our friends .
4. The president of the french republic has never fully acquainted himself with diplomatic niceties .
5. Perhaps a good way would be to meet up before the shoot to get acquainted .

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