

How to pronounce alleged in British English: 英 [əˈledʒd]word uk audio image

How to pronounce alleged in American English: 美 [əˈledʒd] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    declared but not proved
    doubtful or suspect


alleged (adj.)
mid-15c., "quoted," past participle adjective from allege. Attested from 1610s in sense of "brought forth in court;" 1670s as "asserted but not proved."


1. The scale of his alleged $ 50 billion ponzi scheme is hard to comprehend .
2. Most uus know vaguely of the transcendentalists , their alleged pantheism , their love of nature , their intellectual and literary power .
3. No wonder airlines such as lufthansa keep sniping at dubai and its alleged " subsidies " .
4. On the united states treasury department 's blacklist of alleged collaborators with the drug trade .
5. The atmosphere has worsened since the un 's secretary-general , ban ki-moon , decided in march to appoint a panel of experts to look into alleged war crimes .

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