

How to pronounce alphabetize in British English: UK [ˈælfəbətaɪz]word uk audio image

How to pronounce alphabetize in American English: US ['ælfəbətaɪz] word us audio image

  • Verb:
    arrange in alphabetical order
    provide with an alphabet

Word Origin

alphabetize (v.)
1866, from alphabet + -ize. Related: Alphabetized; alphabetizing.


1. You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards .
2. Someday they are planning to alphabetize all their books and set up home catalogues .
3. It was my job to alphabetize the books and answer any questions customers might have .
4. They are stuck in albums , framed and set on tables , tacked on walls , projected as slides newspapers and magazines feature them ; cops alphabetize them ; museums exhibit them ; publishers compile them .

more: >How to Use "alphabetize" with Example Sentences