

How to pronounce ambient in British English: UK [ˈæmbiənt]word uk audio image

How to pronounce ambient in American English: US [ˈæmbiənt] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    completely enveloping

Word Origin

ambient (adj.)
1590s, "surrounding, encircling," from Latin ambientem (nominative ambiens) "going round," present participle of ambire "to go around," from amb- "around" (see ambi-) + ire "go" (see ion). The ground sense of "revolving" led to "encircling, lying all around."


1. Over that time span , ambient noise levels went up .
2. It is entirely powered by ambient energy .
3. For other ambient sound patterns , low-tech may be the better bet .
4. Many of the most ambitious artisan german and austrian winemakers try to make their best wines using ambient yeasts only .
5. A combination of a strong directional light and a weaker ambient light gives a natural-looking appearance to your scene .

more: >How to Use "ambient" with Example Sentences