

How to pronounce antiquity in British English: UK [ænˈtɪkwəti]word uk audio image

How to pronounce antiquity in American English: US [ænˈtɪkwəti] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the historic period preceding the Middle Ages in Europe
    extreme oldness
    an artifact surviving from the past

Word Origin

antiquity (n.)
late 14c., "olden times," from Old French antiquitet (11c.; Modern French antiquité) "olden times; great age; old age," from Latin antiquitatem (nominative antiquitas) "ancient times, antiquity, venerableness," noun of quality from antiquus (see antique (adj.)). Specific reference to ancient Greece and Rome is from mid-15c.; meaning "quality of being old" is from about the same time. Antiquities "relics of ancient days" is from 1510s.


1. Modern lifestyles , and exposure to many more carcinogens than in antiquity .
2. Gastropods were the source of one of the rarest dyes in antiquity .
3. The origins of chinese erotica and pornography can be traced way back into antiquity .
4. An evidence of this defect and this powerlessness of the old gods is found even in the religious beliefs of antiquity .
5. In antiquity , their bulk also allowed them to become mobile fortresses , capable of carrying soldiers and archers on their backs .

more: >How to Use "antiquity" with Example Sentences