

How to pronounce arithmetic in British English: 英 [əˈrɪθmətɪk]word uk audio image

How to pronounce arithmetic in American English: 美 [əˈrɪθmətɪk] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations
  • Adjective:
    relating to or involving arithmetic


arithmetic: see algorithm
arithmetic (n.)
mid-13c., arsmetike, from Old French arsmetique (12c.), from Latin arithmetica, from Greek arithmetike (tekhne) "(the) counting (art)," fem. of arithmetikos "of or for reckoning, arithmetical," from arithmos "number, counting, amount," from PIE root *re(i)- "to reason, count" (cognates: Old English, Old High German rim "number;" Old Irish rim "number," dorimu "I count;" Latin ritus "religious custom;" see read). Originally in English also arsmetrik, on folk etymology from Medieval Latin ars metrica; spelling corrected early 16c. Replaced native tælcræft, literally "tell-craft."


1. Following are two examples of breaking an arithmetic expression .
2. Your arithmetic is correct but your objection is confused .
3. Mr obama 's need is real and the voting arithmetic somewhat persuasive .
4. Simple arithmetic reveals the stunning shortsightedness of this proposition .
5. The algorithm is simple and only involves basic arithmetic .

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