

How to pronounce ascites in British English: 英 [æ'saɪts]word uk audio image

How to pronounce ascites in American English: 美 [æ'saɪts] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    accumulation of serous fluid in peritoneal cavity


ascites (n.)
late 14c., "abdominal dropsy," from Latin ascites, from Greek askites (hydrops), literally "baglike dropsy," from askos "bag, sac."


1. More advanced ascites and edema can respond to diuretic therapy .
2. An analysis of constrictive pericarditis of 8 patients with the major presentation of ascites .
3. Their clinical pictures were similar and characterized by fever , shin infection , followed then by abdominal distension and ascites .
4. You have a condition known as ascites .
5. Nursing care in cirrhotic ascites patients .

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