

How to pronounce astir in British English: 英 [ə'stɜ:r]word uk audio image

How to pronounce astir in American English: 美 [ə'stɜr] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    out of bed
    on the move


astir (adv.)
"up and about," 1823, from phrase on the stir, or from Scottish asteer; from stir. Old English had astyrian, which yielded Middle English ben astired "be stirred up, excited, aroused."


1. The girl sat , her body still , her soul astir .
2. The whole town was astir with the news .
3. News of the queen 's visit set the whole town astir .
4. The whole community was astir when the news came that the enemy bombing would is .
5. Apart from that movement there was nothing astir except these tiny little insects .

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