

How to pronounce batman in British English: 英 [ˈbætmən]word uk audio image

How to pronounce batman in American English: 美 [ˈbætmən] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    an orderly assigned to serve a British military officer


batman: see bastard
batman (n.)
"officer's servant," originally military title for "man in charge of a bat-horse and its load," 1755, from bat "pack-saddle" (late 14c.), from Old French bast (Modern French bât), from Late Latin bastum (see baton). Hence also batwoman (1941). The comic book hero dates from 1939.


1. The couple attended the movie dressed in batman costumes .
2. One seriously must wonder why batman never considered this approach .
3. His plan is foiled by superman and batman , and he later disappears .
4. Anyone who knows anything about batman knows his parents were gunned down outside a theater .
5. The world has waited four years to find out how the batman saga resolves .

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