

How to pronounce blackguard in British English: UK [ˈblægɑ:d]word uk audio image

How to pronounce blackguard in American English: US [ˈblægɑrd] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    someone who is morally reprehensible
  • Verb:
    subject to laughter or ridicule
    use foul or abusive language towards

Word Origin

blackguard (n.)
1530s, scullion, kitchen knave. Perhaps once an actual military or guard unit; more likely originally a mock-military reference to scullions and kitchen-knaves of noble households, of black-liveried personal guards, and of shoeblacks. By 1736, sense had emerged of "one of the criminal class." Hence the adjectival use (1784), "of low or worthless character."


1. Even more obscure than blackguard is blackleg " scab , non-unionist . "
2. In modern english , a blackguard is a worthless , contemptible person , so where does guard come in ?
3. Needless to say , attempts to derive blackguard from some foreign language cannot be taken seriously , but I would like to mention a small detail .
4. The collective meaning of the noun gradually disappeared ; today a blackguard is an individual , not a body of people .
5. Other members of the blackguard were link boys ( torch bearers ) , youngsters of ill repute .

more: >How to Use "blackguard" with Example Sentences