

How to pronounce breakup in British English: 英 [ˈbreɪkˈʌp]word uk audio image

How to pronounce breakup in American English: 美 [ˈbreɪˌkʌp] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the termination of a relationship
    coming apart


breakup (n.)
also break-up, 1795, from verbal expression break up (mid-15c.), which was used originally of plowland, later of groups, assemblies, etc. Of things (also of marriages, relationships), "to disintegrate," from mid-18c. See break (v.) + up (adv.). Break it up as a command to stop a fight, etc., is recorded from 1936.


1. Yes , the pain of a breakup would be severe .
2. The economic costs of a breakup would be staggering for creditor and debtor nations .
3. This time-lapse series of images shows the progression of the ice breakup .
4. Nowadays , a eurozone breakup has become one of the most widely discussed possible shocks .
5. Ever since her breach of her mother 's command and the subsequent breakup of the bulk of their brood , she was even more careful .

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