

How to pronounce broke in British English: UK [brəʊk]word uk audio image

How to pronounce broke in American English: US [broʊk] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    lacking funds

Word Origin

broke (adj.)
past tense and obsolete past participle of break (v.); extension to "insolvent" is first recorded 1716 (broken in this sense is attested from 1590s). Old English cognate broc meant, in addition to "that which breaks," "affliction, misery."


1. He also broke with longstanding rules of fiscal prudence .
2. Many people still think japan is broke and stagnant .
3. She broke her arm and was hit by shrapnel .
4. But they also broke a less savoury record .
5. Mass politics and mass media broke this link .

more: >How to Use "broke" with Example Sentences