

How to pronounce carrousel in British English: 英 [ˌkærʊ'zel]word uk audio image

How to pronounce carrousel in American English: 美 [ˌkærʊ'zel] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    carries luggage to air travelers
    large mechanical apparatus with seats for children to ride on


carrousel (n.)
variant of carousel.


1. He 's going south on pont du carrousel .
2. Mcdonald 's says no date has been set for its opening at the carrousel du louvre .
3. Spokeswoman aggy lerolle said only that it is not up to the museum veto mcdonald 's arrival since the carrousel is run by a private company rather than the state-run museum .
4. The mcdonald 's will be installed in the food court of the underground mall adjoining the museum , known as the carrousel du louvre , as the fast food chain fetes its 30th anniversary in france , mcdonald 's france said .
5. Shenzhen city industrial development co. , ltd. carrousel .

更多: >如何使用 "carrousel" 造句