How to pronounce catalepsy in British English:
UK [ˈkætəlepsi]
How to pronounce catalepsy in American English:
US [ˈkætlˌɛpsi]
- Noun:
- a trancelike state with loss of voluntary motion and failure to react to stimuli
Word Origin
- catalepsy (n.)
- late 14c., cathalempsia, from Medieval Latin catalepsia, from Late Latin catalepsis, from Greek katalepsis "a seizure, a seizing upon, a taking possession," from kataleptos "seized," from katalambanein "to seize upon," from kata- "down" (see cata-) + lambanein "to take" (see analemma).
- 1. I recollect that I have been subject to catalepsy .
- 2. Another " vampire disease " is catalepsy .
- 3. We think now he probably suffered from catalepsy , a nervous condition that causes muscular rigidity .
- 4. Stage 2 : more relaxed state where larger muscle groups can be controlled and manipulated such as arm catalepsy .
- 5. " No doubt ; but unfortunately for the prisoners , the abb faria had an attack of catalepsy , and died . "