

How to pronounce cc in British English: UK [ˌsi: ˈsi:]word uk audio image

How to pronounce cc in American English: US word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter
  • Adjective:
    being ten more than one hundred ninety

Word Origin

1936 as abbreviation of carbon copy in business correspondence.


1. For instance , if you cc : a superior unnecessarily it can inadvertently send a message of distrust . "
2. Put those people in your to : field , notthe cc : field .
3. My vw cc . Did they hit the car ?
4. Cc : I am first and foremost his daughter .
5. Cc # 3 , I hope that you do get to drive your tank one day .

more: >How to Use "cc" with Example Sentences