How to pronounce charm in British English:
UK [tʃɑːm]
How to pronounce charm in American English:
US [tʃɑːrm]
- Noun:
- attractiveness that interests or pleases or stimulates
- a verbal formula believed to have magical force
- something believed to bring good luck
- Verb:
- attract; cause to be enamored
- control by magic spells, as by practicing witchcraft
- protect through supernatural powers or charms
- induce into action by using one's charm
Word Origin
- charm
- charm: [13] Although now largely weakened to mere ‘attractiveness’, the origins of charm are in magic spells and incantations. It comes via Old French charme from Latin carmen ‘song’, which was also used for the chanting or reciting of verses with supposedly magic powers. Thus in the Middle Ages, charms were synonymous with enchantment – either spoken or, in more concrete form, carried as talismans. The latter have degenerated in modern times to small trinkets worn on bracelets, an application first recorded in the mid 19th century.
- charm (n.)
- c. 1300, "incantation, magic charm," from Old French charme (12c.) "magic charm, magic, spell; incantation, song, lamentation," from Latin carmen "song, verse, enchantment, religious formula," from canere "to sing" (see chant (v.)), with dissimilation of -n- to -r- before -m- in intermediate form *canmen (for a similar evolution, see Latin germen "germ," from *genmen). The notion is of chanting or reciting verses of magical power. A yet stronger power than that of herb or stone lies in the spoken word, and all nations use it both for blessing and cursing. But these, to be effective, must be choice, well knit, rhythmic words (verba concepta), must have lilt and tune; hence all that is strong in the speech wielded by priest, physician, magician, is allied to the forms of poetry. [Jacob Grimm, "Teutonic Mythology" (transl. Stallybrass), 1883] Sense of "pleasing quality" evolved 17c. Meaning "small trinket fastened to a watch-chain, etc." first recorded 1865. Quantum physics sense is from 1964. To work like a charm (figuratively) is recorded by 1824.
- charm (v.)
- c. 1300, "to recite or cast a magic spell," from Old French charmer (13c.) "to enchant, to fill (someone) with desire (for something); to protect, cure, treat; to maltreat, harm," from Late Latin carminare, from Latin carmen (see charm (n.)). In Old French used alike of magical and non-magical activity. In English, "to win over by treating pleasingly, delight" from mid-15c. Related: Charmed; charming. Charmed (short for I am charmed) as a conventional reply to a greeting or meeting is attested by 1825.
conjuring sorcery magic incantation word jumbo invocation abracadabra hocuspocus sesame mumbo conjuration open formula
appeal pulchritude loveliness grace prettiness allurement beauty gracefulness attractiveness beautifulness comeliness allure
- 1. Demonstrate your personality , your charm , and your ability to communicate by speaking face-to-face .
- 2. The charm of her voice enchanted the audience .
- 3. But are some people easier to charm than others ?
- 4. Strip the charm from chinese diplomacy and only the offensive is left .
- 5. The most important thing to charm a girl is make her feel special .