

How to pronounce cheep in British English: 英 [tʃi:p]word uk audio image

How to pronounce cheep in American English: 美 [tʃip] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the short weak cry of a young bird
  • Verb:
    make high-pitched sounds; of birds


cheep (v.)
1510s, of imitative origin, originally Scottish. Related: Cheeped; cheeping; cheeper. The noun is attested by 1774.


1. Americans need to stop importing chinese cheep crap .
2. This pizza is really tasty , moreover , it is cheep .
3. I could still taste the cheep alcohol .
4. I needed that money for food , not some cheep garment .
5. " This hamburger was so cheep , it cost almost nothing . "

更多: >How to Use "cheep" with Example Sentences