

How to pronounce climacteric in British English: 英 [klaɪ'mæktərɪk]word uk audio image

How to pronounce climacteric in American English: 美 [ˌklaɪmæk'terɪk] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a period in a man's life corresponding to menopause
    the time in a woman's life in which the menstrual cycle ends


c. 1600 (adj.), 1620s (n.), from Latin climactericus, from Greek klimakterikos "of a critical period," from klimakter "rung of a ladder" (see climax (n.)). A critical stage in human life, a period supposed to be especially liable to change. By some, held to be the years that are multiples of 7 (7, 14, 21, etc.), by others only the odd multiples (7, 21, 35, etc.), and by still others the multiples of 9. The Great Climacteric was the 63rd year (7x9), supposed to be especially critical.


1. A clinical observation of daidzein capsules for climacteric syndrome .
2. Understanding of using health education for climacteric women .
3. Review on experimental research on tcm treatment for the climacteric syndrome .
4. Democracy is the menopause of western society , the grand climacteric of the body social .
5. A lot of unhappy or even depressed climacteric took the road to ruin , so families of patients during treatment to be given sufficient understanding and care , as soon as possible to help patients overcome the disease soon .

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