

How to pronounce coexistence in British English: UK [ˌkəʊɪgˈzɪstəns]word uk audio image

How to pronounce coexistence in American English: US [ˌkoʊɪgˈzɪstəns] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    existing peacefully together

Word Origin

coexistence (n.)
also co-existence, mid-15c., "joint existence;" see co- + existence. As "peaceful relations between states of different ideologies," 1954, a Cold War term.


1. In other places , the coexistence continues .
2. Peaceful coexistence , which south africagenerally enjoys , does not mean integration .
3. That coexistence is now over .
4. In each case , coexistence is more likely than an outright victory for any single approach .
5. Which trend will prevail among the world 's 1.4 billion muslims-violent confrontation or peaceful coexistence ?

more: >How to Use "coexistence" with Example Sentences