

How to pronounce complainant in British English: UK [kəmˈpleinənt]word uk audio image

How to pronounce complainant in American English: US [kəmˈplenənt] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a person who brings an action in a court of law

Word Origin

complainant (n.)
early 15c., from Old French complaignant, present participle of complaindre (see complain). The present participle also was used as a noun in Middle French.


1. You need to find friends assisted the complainant .
2. You can go to protect the complainant secret .
3. The complainant did not live there to help .
4. It states that " evidence establishes that the defendant engaged in a hurried sexual encounter with the complainant , but it does not independently establish her claim of a forcible , non-consensual encounter . "
5. Additionally , a complainant has a relatively short period of time to lodge an application for review .

more: >How to Use "complainant" with Example Sentences