

How to pronounce couturier in British English: 英 [kuˈtjʊərieɪ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce couturier in American English: 美 [kuˈtʊrieɪ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    someone who designs clothing


couturier (n.)
1899, "male dressmaker or fashion designer," from French couture "sewing, dressmaking" (see couture). Couturière "dressmaker" is from 1818.


1. The shoes were designed by the top couturier in milan .
2. He also works like a top couturier by first designing his new creations on paper and then testing them in his penthouse atelier .
3. Victorian interior design and decorating ideas by robert couturier .
4. Uk culture minister , barbara follett , has placed a temporary export bar on eleven dresses designed by the early 20th-century french couturier madeleine vionnet .

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