

How to pronounce cyclist in British English: UK [ˈsaɪklɪst]word uk audio image

How to pronounce cyclist in American English: US [ˈsaɪklɪst] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a person who rides a bicycle

Word Origin

cyclist (n.)
"bicyclist," 1882; see bicycle + -ist. Saxonists preferred wheelman.


1. A day-and-a-half south of budapest I met a very cheerful japanese cyclist coming in the opposite direction .
2. Next , I can put the magnitude of the air resistance in for the force of the cyclist .
3. If you 're approaching another runner or cyclist and need to pass them , let them know on which side you 're trying to pass .
4. If you 're a serious cyclist or know someone who is , you probably know that over the years , the stuff really good bikes are made of has changed .
5. So , at a constant speed the force from the cyclist will have the same magnitude as the air resistance force .

more: >How to Use "cyclist" with Example Sentences