

How to pronounce cylindrical in British English: 英 [səˈlɪndrɪkl]word uk audio image

How to pronounce cylindrical in American English: 美 [səˈlɪndrɪkəl] word us audio image

  • Adjective:
    having the form of a cylinder or tube
    related to or having the shape or properties of a cylinder


cylindrical (adj.)
1640s, probably from cylindric (but this is attested only from 1680s), from Greek kylindrikos, from kylindros (see cylinder) + -al (1).


1. It was an ideal wave , smooth and cylindrical .
2. The millimeter-wave machine is grayish-white and is more cylindrical .
3. For example , how do cylindrical ice cream tubs compare with rectangular ice cream tubs ?
4. Ice cores - long , cylindrical sections of ice removed from polar ice caps and glaciers - are humanity 's richest source of prehistoric climate data .
5. During auditing , haggis grasped a cylindrical electrode in each hand ; when he first joined scientology , the electrodes were empty soup cans .

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