

How to pronounce demarche in British English: UK [deɪ'mɑ:ʃ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce demarche in American English: US [deɪ'mɑʃ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a move or step or maneuver in political or diplomatic affairs

Word Origin

demarche (n.)
1650s, "walk, step," from French démarche (15c.) literally "gait, walk, bearing," from démarcher (12c.) "to march," from de- (see de-) + marcher (see march (v.)). Meaning "a diplomatic step" attested from 1670s. A word never quite anglicized.


1. Hitler 's attack on russia , shortly after his pact with stalin , was a stunning demarche .
2. They believed , probably correctly , that china was determined to conduct the test and that any preventive demarche would uselessly ruffle bilateral relations and perhaps reveal something about u. s.intelligence capabilities .
3. " The demarche asks the arrest and hand-over of those persons who are settled in pakistan and who are fugitives of indian law , " mukherjee said .

more: >How to Use "demarche" with Example Sentences