

How to pronounce dope in British English: 英 [dəʊp]word uk audio image

How to pronounce dope in American English: 美 [doʊp] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    street names for marijuana
    an ignorant or foolish person
    carbonated drink flavored with extract from Kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States)
    slang terms for inside information
  • Verb:
    take drugs to improve one's athletic performance
    add impurities to (a semiconductor) in order to produce or modify its properties
    give a narcotic to


dope: [19] Dope originated in the USA, where it was borrowed from Dutch doop ‘sauce’. This was a derivative of the verb doopen ‘dip’, which is related to English dip. It was at first used as a general colloquialism for any thick semi-liquid preparation, whether used as a food or, for example, as a lubricant, but during the 19th century some specific strands began to emerge: notably ‘drug’, and in particular ‘opium’, and ‘varnish painted on the fabric of an aircraft’.The effects of the former led to its use in the sense ‘fool’, and to the coinage of the adjective dopey, first recorded in the 1890s. The sense ‘information’ dates from around 1900.=> deep, dip
dope (n.)
1807, American English, "sauce, gravy, thick liquid," from Dutch doop "thick dipping sauce," from doopen "to dip" (see dip (v.)). Extension to "drug" is 1889, from practice of smoking semi-liquid opium preparation. Meaning "foolish, stupid person" is older (1851) and may have a sense of "thick-headed." Sense of "inside information" (1901) may come from knowing before the race which horse had been drugged to influence performance. Dope-fiend is attested from 1896.
dope (v.)
1889, from dope (n.). Related: Doped; doping.


1. The assumption underlying these mass distribution efforts was blunt and simple : dope saves your soul .
2. If appropriate , we will refer those who dope to law enforcement officials .
3. I carried the " dope sheets " in my mind . I looked for stock prices to run on form .
4. I carried the " dope sheets " in my mind . I looked for stock prices to run on form . I had " clocked " them . You know what I mean .
5. And from the very outset , the premier dope of the era , lsd , was itself a technology , a laboratory product , the result of advanced research at the swiss pharmaceutical house of sandoz and company .

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