

How to pronounce dynamometer in British English: UK [ˌdaɪnə'mɒmɪtə]word uk audio image

How to pronounce dynamometer in American English: US [ˌdaɪnə'mɒmətə] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    measuring instrument designed to measure power

Word Origin


1. Chassis dynamometer test procedure - heavy-duty road vehicles sae arp 1838a .
2. To check vehicle power and emission in vehicle dynamometer .
3. Application of acupuncture needle dynamometer and pulse apparatus in the acupuncture therapy .
4. Today , the dynamometers for such purpose are of many types , but how to make the dynamometer control system function with superior quality , has become a key factor that improves ice test technology .
5. The investment will allow delphi to improve its engine dynamometer labs and vehicle emissions labs at eight of the company 's technical centers worldwide .

more: >How to Use "dynamometer" with Example Sentences