

How to pronounce easterling in British English: 英 ['i:stəlɪŋ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce easterling in American English: 美 ['istəlɪŋ] word us audio image


easterling (n.)
"resident of an eastern land," in England, especially Hanse merchants and others from the North Sea Coast of Germany and the southern and eastern coast of the Baltic, early 15c., from easter, obsolete variant of eastern + -ling.


1. President obama greets convention delegates , including alliance for retired americans president barbara easterling .
2. According to easterling , a secular bull market is a period of generally rising p / es that multiply growth in earnings per share , and give investors an above-average return .
3. " The current state of heatwaves could be the harbinger of things to come , " said david easterling , a climatologist with the national climatic data center .
4. Easterling and mcgeehin spoke at a briefing last week arranged by the union of concerned scientists . Climate disruption , they said , is also bringing more floods and drought .

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