

How to pronounce electrification in British English: UK [ɪˌlektrɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]word uk audio image

How to pronounce electrification in American English: US [ɪˌlektrɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the activity of thrilling or markedly exciting some person or group
    the act of providing electricity

Word Origin

electrification (n.)
1748, "state of being charged with electricity," noun of action from electrify.


1. All hype aside , electrification certainly proved to be a good idea .
2. More reasonably , the government can point to road building and rural electrification initiatives .
3. But now an official at china 's railway electrification bureau admits the slowdown was based on concerns over safety after all .
4. It was a movie about rural electrification , a perfect 1930 's new deal morality kind of movie to show kids .
5. Industrialisation and electrification in the developing world will require a lot of new power stations .

more: >How to Use "electrification" with Example Sentences