

How to pronounce electrocute in British English: 英 [ɪˈlektrəkju:t]word uk audio image

How to pronounce electrocute in American English: 美 [ɪˈlɛktrəˌkjut] word us audio image

  • Verb:
    kill by electric shock
    kill by electrocution, as in the electric chair


electrocute (v.)
"execute by electricity," 1889, American English, from electro- + back half of execute. The method first was used Aug. 6, 1890, in New York state, on William Kemmler, convicted of the murder of his common-law wife. In reference to accidental death by 1909. Electric chair is also first recorded 1889, the year the one used on Kemmler was introduced in New York as a humane alternative to hanging. Related: Electrocuted; electrocuting.


1. Don 't touch that wire , you 'll electrocute yourself .
2. A razor that issafe in europe is unlikely electrocute americans .
3. It looks like they 're gonna electrocute him .
4. I guess they 'll probably electrocute me , won 't they ?
5. And electrocute the darlings .

更多: >如何使用 "electrocute" 造句