

How to pronounce embrocation in British English: UK [ˌembrəˈkeɪʃn]word uk audio image

How to pronounce embrocation in American English: US [ˌɛmbrəˈkeʃən] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a medicinal liquid that is rubbed into the skin to relieve muscular stiffness and pain

Word Origin

embrocation: [15] The semantic notion underlying embrocation is of ‘wetness’, for it comes ultimately from the Greek word for ‘rain’, brokhé. This was the basis of a verb embrékhein, used for ‘treat medically by the application of liquid’, from which in turn was derived the noun embrokhé ‘lotion’. Latin took this over and in the Middle Ages formed a verb from it, embrocāre ‘treat with healing liquid’, which was actually borrowed into English as embrocate: ‘In wounds of gun-shot … embrocate often’, John Woodall, Surgion’s Mate 1612.This had died out by the mid 19th century, but its noun, embrocation (used in the concrete sense ‘lotion’ since the 17th century), survives.


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more: >How to Use "embrocation" with Example Sentences