

How to pronounce ennui in British English: 英 [ɒnˈwi:]word uk audio image

How to pronounce ennui in American English: 美 [ɑnˈwi] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    the feeling of being bored by something tedious


ennui: see annoy
ennui (n.)
1660s as a French word in English; nativized by 1758; from French ennui, from Old French enui "annoyance" (13c.), back-formation from enuier (see annoy). Hence ennuyé (adj.) "afflicted with ennui," and thence ennuyée (n.) for a woman so afflicted. So far as frequency of use is concerned, the word might be regarded as fully naturalized; but the pronunciation has not been anglicized, there being in fact no Eng. analogy which could serve as a guide. [OED]


1. This is unadulterated , indigenous anger and ennui .
2. To overcome ennui , orbuch said , both parties should focus on adding spice to the relationship , which can be as simple as a new restaurant or vacation spot .
3. Eg. why , then , move off your couch and risk the ennui of the real world ?
4. Let your occupational ennui far away .
5. It 's ennui , agent booth , do you understand that ?

更多: >如何使用 "ennui" 造句