

How to pronounce entitlement in British English: UK [ɪnˈtaɪtlmənt]word uk audio image

How to pronounce entitlement in American English: US [ɛnˈtaɪtlmənt] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    right granted by law or contract (especially a right to benefits)

Word Origin

entitlement (n.)
1823, perhaps in some senses from French entitlement, which was in Old French as "tit;e (of a book), inscription," and later was used in legal language; but also in part a native formation from entitle + -ment. Entitlement culture attested by 1994 (culture of entitlement is from 1989).


1. How is he going to trim the huge entitlement programmes ?
2. Social security is an entitlement , no different from welfare .
3. That absorbs not only the resources of the firm eventually granted the privilege but also those of other firms competing for the same entitlement .
4. It should focus on long-term entitlement reform rather than short-term cuts .
5. America 's democrats need to accept entitlement cuts and republicans higher taxes .

more: >How to Use "entitlement" with Example Sentences