

How to pronounce enucleation in British English: 英 [en'ju:kli:ʃən]word uk audio image

How to pronounce enucleation in American English: 美 [en'jukliʃən] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    surgical removal of something without cutting into it


enucleation (n.)
1640s, noun of action from verb enucleate (1540s), from Latin enucleatus "pure, clean," past participle of enucleare "to lay open, explain in detail," literally "to remove the kernel from" (see ex- + nucleus). Mostly figurative in Latin (the notion is of getting at the "core" of some matter), and usually figurative in English until mid-19c. advances in science and medicine gave it a new literal sense.


1. Enucleation of the submandibular gland .
2. The leading causes for enucleation were ocular injury , ocular tumor , and absolute glaucoma .
3. Thulium laser enucleation of the prostatefor benign prostatic hyperplasia .
4. Conclusion the spherical allogeneic biological membranous implant is an ideal material for the implantation in the eye socket after enucleation .

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