

How to pronounce erysipelas in British English: UK [ˌerɪ'sɪpɪləs]word uk audio image

How to pronounce erysipelas in American English: US [ˌerə'sɪpələs] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    an acute streptococcal infection characterized by deep-red inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes

Word Origin

erysipelas (n.)
late 14c., skin disease also known as St. Anthony's Fire, from Greek erysipelas, perhaps from erythros "red" (see red (1)) + pella "skin" (see film (n.)). Related: Erysipelatous.


1. The patient suffered from two attacks of erysipelas .
2. Significant swine erysipelas occurrence due to sudden climate changes .
3. Swine fever and swine erysipelas live vaccine .
4. Swine erysipelas vaccine , live ( g4t10 strain )
5. During these attacks of erysipelas , the tumour of the neck entirely disappeared and the patient left the hospital in good health .

more: >How to Use "erysipelas" with Example Sentences