

How to pronounce euthanize in British English: UK ['ju:θənaɪz]word uk audio image

How to pronounce euthanize in American English: US ['juθənaɪz] word us audio image

Word Origin

euthanize (v.)
by 1915, in place of earlier and etymologically correct euthanatize (1873); see euthanasia + -ize. Related: Euthanized; euthanizing.


1. You stole morphine so you could euthanize a patient ?
2. I don 't wanna euthanize this guy to get his liver !
3. Rachel had to euthanize her dog when he got sick .
4. We love animals , yet we euthanize five million abandoned cats and dogs each year .
5. The numbers dying of nuclear poisoning at the end of atlantean civilization suffered and suffered and suffered and there was not enough medical help to euthanize them fast enough .

more: >How to Use "euthanize" with Example Sentences