

How to pronounce excreta in British English: UK [ɪkˈskri:tə]word uk audio image

How to pronounce excreta in American English: US [ɪkˈskritə] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

Word Origin


1. An animal can 't live perpetually on its own excreta .
2. This could be because pigs like to scavenge and will eat any kind of food , including dead insects , worms , rotting carcasses , excreta ( including their own ) , garbage , and other pigs .
3. Biogas plant is connected with toilets , for excreta of human , livestock , and poultry to enter the biogas plant for anaerobic fermentation .
4. Endogenous essential amino acid contents in the excreta of control ducks .
5. Major health risks due to inadequate excreta disposal arise after disasters .

more: >How to Use "excreta" with Example Sentences