

How to pronounce exculpate in British English: 英 [ˈekskʌlpeɪt]word uk audio image

How to pronounce exculpate in American English: 美 [ˈɛkskəlˌpet, ɪkˈskʌl-] word us audio image

  • Verb:
    pronounce not guilty of criminal charges


exculpate (v.)
"to clear from suspicion of wrong or guilt," 1650s, from Medieval Latin exculpatus, past participle of exculpare, from Latin ex culpa, from ex "from" (see ex-) + culpa ablative of culpa "blame, fault." Related: Exculpated; exculpating.


1. Happily , mr obama has the authority needed to lead the world towards a resolution : his hands are clean , and his lack of desire to exculpate his country is evident .
2. If secret courts are used in dealing with them , the government can attempt to exculpate itself without revealing confidential information .

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